Are you a school garden enthusiast who would like to learn more about school gardening? If so, join School Gardens of Ohio (S-GO) for this series led by school garden experts who recently presented the same topic at the 2023 OSU school garden conference, in addition to others. Each session will include a welcome, announcements, presentation, questions, and breakout room share. S-GO is an informal group for those who are interested in networking about school gardening. We meet virtually and sometimes in person.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 4PM - 5:15PM
WHERE: Virtual
COST: Free
- January 23: Increasing Community Engagement Through Social Media, Presenters - Jim and Emma Reding
- February 20: Nature the Teacher, Presenter - Yanique Beckford
- March 19: Using a School Garden to Support Student Social Emotional Learning, Presenter - Mollie Leeson
- April 16: Growing Garden Leaders Through the School Year, Presenters - Katie Young and Carol Smathers
- May 21: Classroom Growing Opportunities and Best Practices, Presenter - Trevor Horn
- September 17: Little by Little-Developing Elementary Gardeners, Presenter - Amye Sukapdjo
- October 15: TBA
This series is sponsored by OSU Extension Franklin County 4-H.