Dine In

Monday, December 3, 2018 - 12:00am

Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Dine In Day, December 3, is a day to set aside and share a nutritious meal with family, friends, and colleagues and have good conversation. Dining In at home together really does make a difference in the lives of our families – biological or otherwise. Sharing a meal is so fundamental to the human experience that sometimes we take this simple task for granted. Dining In at home together decreases our families’ chance of being overweight or obese. It improves our families’ relationships. We save money and eat healthier when Dining In.

To make the pledge to Dine In with your family December 3, go to aafcs.org/fcsday/commit-to-dining-in/fcs-day-sign-up and make your commitment today. The home website has great “Dining In” promotional resources, logo merchandise, and articles available. Visit: aafcs.org/fcsday/home.