OSU Extension, Franklin County and Central State University Extension invite Franklin County families with youth ages 10-14 to join them for a free webinar series focused on family. The program is based on studies that show children grow up best when parents/caregivers communicate, provide emotional support and practice consistent discipline. Participants learn to make these concepts the foundation of their family life. You can earn Walmart gift cards for participation.
WHEN: Sundays, April 18 - May 30, 2021
TIME: 3PM - 5:30PM Youth and parents/caregivers will meet separately 3PM - 4PM. Parents/caregivers and youth meet together 4:30PM - 5:30PM.
WHERE: Zoom. Must have 2 devices with video capabilities and reliable internet to participate
REGISTER: go.osu.edu/sfp10-14franklin
You may view the event flyer here.