Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Urban Growers workshop

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Waterman Farm Headquarters Building, OSU Campus (2490 Carmack Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210)
Contact email:
Contact name:
Mike Hogan
Contact phone:

Perfect for those who sell fruits or vegetables at farmers markets, to restaurants, or through any retail location! The OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team educates produce growers about Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). We work to promote high-quality, safe produce from Ohio growers by providing helpful tools and resources to develop risk assessments and food safety plans and by ensuring a strong scientific basis behind the best practices taught and recommended by the team. 

Pre-registration is required, and cost is $5 per person, which includes a resource workbook, handouts, and a certificate of participation as verification that the grower has received this training.

Call 614-866-9600 or email Mike Hogan at to register.