If your credit score is less than 640 and/or any of the following apply to you, we recommend registering for our free Money Management workshop. If your credit score is greater than 640, we recommend registering for Home Buyer Education.
- Don't know your credit score
- Need a savings plan
- No funds saved for a down payment
- Less than two years of steady income
- Had a bankruptcy within the last two years
You will learn:
- How to create a monthly budget
- Savings and investment options
- How to get out of debt
- How to improve your credit score
- Student loan debt management
The Money Management workshop is a total of eight hours (two four-hour sessions). You must attend both sessions to receive a certificate of completion.
Money Management workshops taught by or on behalf of OSU Extension are offered as an educational service only. We do not provide investment, legal or tax advice. The information provided is for general educational purposes only, and is not intended to substitute for the advice of your investment, legal and/or tax advisors or to be the basis of specific trading or investment activities. If you need investment, legal and/or tax advice, please consult with one of these professionals. The links to third-party financial resources are provided as a convenience for informational purposes only. Neither The Ohio State University or OSU Extension endorses or approves any of the products, services or opinions of the entities or individuals associated with these links. The Ohio State University and OSU Extension bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of any external site associated with the links provided or any subsequent links.