Six, 1-hour, interactive sessions covering twelve topics important to many growers. All sessions held 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm ET on Tuesdays in January and February. Sign-up for as many sessions as you wish and bring questions!
- January 12: Beginner: High Tunnels and other Season Extension Options (Mike Hogan, Tim McDermott)
- January 19: Beginner: Starting Right with High Tunnel Production (Brad Bergefurd, Matt Kleinhenz)
- January 26: Intermediate: Pesticide Selection and Tomato Foliar Diseases (Melanie Ivey, Sally Miller)
- February 2: Intermediate: Common Issues and Next – level Environmental Management (Frank Becker, Matt Kleinhenz)
- February 9: Advanced: Year-round Harvest, Marketing, Irrigation and Fertility Essentials (Brad Bergefurd)
- February 16: Advanced: Soil Biology, Chemistry, and Tilth Holding you Back? (Matt Kleinhenz, Anna Testen)
QUESTIONS: Please contact Matt Kleinhenz at or 330.263.3810.