February 1, 2018 - 11:08am -- salyers.50@osu.edu

In January, the 2018 Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) Training Class began. This class is the largest MGV class in OSU Extension, Franklin County history with 60 students in the class. The MGV course consists of 70 hours of classroom instruction throughout a ten-week period. The students then are given a final exam on the material taught in class. After passing the final exam, the students become MGV interns and volunteer 50 hours at different MGV projects and gardens in Franklin County. When the MGV students have both passed the final exam and completed their volunteer hours, they will graduate from interns and become full-fledged Master Gardener Volunteers.
Franklin County has the second largest MGV program in the state of Ohio with 247 volunteers. Franklin County was the first county in Ohio with a MGV program. Congratulations to the students in the 2018 MGV class. Questions about the program should be directed to ANR educator Mike Hogan, 614-866-6900 x260.