We're happy to announce that we've been given permission to reopen our office starting Monday, February 15, 2021. The office will be open by appointment only Monday - Friday, 8:30AM - 4:00PM. We have reserved the first hour to serve those who are in the at risk population. In the interest of health and safety for our guests and staff, the building will remain locked and all surfaces will be disinfected between appointments. Masks will be required to enter as will maintaining social distance. If you're not able to wear a mask, we'll be happy to assist you curbside. Curbside service is available to all clients. Please know in advance that we will need to collect the name and telephone number for all all guests. This information will be used solely for the purpose of notification in the event that a staff member or guest tests positive for COVID. If you or anyone in your family has been ill or has shown symptoms or if you have been in contact with someone who has been ill, we respectfully ask that you not come into the office. We will be happy to reschedule your appointment for a later date or set up a time to call or Zoom with you or make other arrangements to meet your needs. Please call 614-866-6900, option 6 to schedule your appointment. You may also email your appointment request to Kim Arrasmith or Christina Byrd. We ask that you prepay online if you wish to use a credit card as we aren't able to accept credit cards in the office at this time. Please keep in mind that we will be following University, public health and the Governor's orders. This may require our office to close on short notice. We will contact all appointments as soon as possible should this happen. We are still available to serve you remotely via Zoom, email, or phone Monday - Friday, 8:00AM - 4:30PM.