September 14, 2015 - 12:34pm -- Anonymous

Extension Connections
Franklin County eNewsletter

September 2015

Dear Friend of OSU Extension,

Have you ever wanted to learn about urban agriculture? Have you ever wanted to grow your own food, but didn’t know where to start? Did you know that growing your own produce in an urban setting is easier than you might have thought? We invite all those interested in learning more about urban agriculture to attend the September 22-24 Farm Science Review (FSR) at Ohio State's Molly Caren Agricultural Center. Mike Hogan, our Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, will be one of the presenters on hand to share his expertise in this area and will present on the following topics: 

  • Urban Agriculture: Can American Cities Feed Themselves?
  • Choosing an Alternative Agricultural Enterprise
  • Developing SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) Grant Proposals 

For more information about this highly informative, educational three-day event visit FSR’s website or check out the complete schedule of events. We look forward to seeing many of you at this event, as well as our other events listed in our Upcoming Events section below.

Another great opportunity available this month is a training session for potential 4-H volunteers. If you have an interest in helping youth craft their leadership skills, please join us on September 9 at the Franklin County Extension office. More information is available here.

As we head into fall, we wish you and your family a healthy, bountiful season.


Laquore J. Meadows, Ph.D.

County Extension Director, Franklin County

Program Updates

4-H Youth Development and Community Development

As a result of a unique partnership between the Franklin County Extension Community Development and 4-H Youth Development team, 13 youth in grades 3-8, who reside in Weinland Park homes located near The Ohio State University, received the opportunity to attend a 4-day residential camp at beautiful 4-H Camp Ohio. The youth stayed in cabins and participated in fun-filled, educational activities, including hiking, swimming, rock wall climbing, campfire activities, zip lining, canoeing, and kayaking. 4-H members of high school age served as the teen counselors. Funding for this partnership was made available through a grant awarded to the NRP Group, LLC, an organization that owns and manages several affordable housing properties in Ohio from the Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing (OCCH).

Pictured above are a group of enthusiastic youth participants from the Weinland Park area who attended the 4-day residential camp sponsored by OSU Extension, Franklin County, at 4-H Camp Ohio.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

OSU Extension co-sponsored the successful COSI Farm Days program for five days in August. Twenty Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteers taught 1,127 youth about agriculture and S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) at three activity stations organized by OSU Extension at the event.

OSU Extension coordinated Columbus Local Foods Week activities, which served as a local expression of Ohio Local Foods Week, August 9-15. Local foods educational programs were conducted throughout the county and included the Columbus Urban Farm Tour Series, several Community Garden tours, and a workshop for urban food producers. The Franklin County Board of Commissioners made recognition of this week and offered a proclamation to acknowledge Local Foods Week throughout Franklin County.

Throughout August, urban farm tours were conducted at three different locations during the Columbus Urban Farm Tour Series coordinated by OSU Extension. Locations included Swainway Urban Farm in Clintonville, St. Stephens Community House in Linden, and Clarfield Farm in Columbus. A total of 197 individuals participated in these tours, learning about producing and marketing food in an urban food system.

Family and Consumer Sciences

OSU Extension Franklin County’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program has partnered with the OSU Wexner Medical Center to engage students and families from the Columbus Bilingual Academy in the Chefs in the City project this year. Thanks to funding received from an OSU Cares grant, youth are learning to grow vegetables in the Highland Youth Garden. The vegetables are then given to Chef Jim Warner who then creates wonderful recipes on site for the youth to eat and share with their families.

Some of the recipes made so far this season are: strawberry rhubarb crisp, kohlrabi fritters with guacamole, and bean and Brussel sprout stir fry. The final Chefs in the City presentations will take place on September 3 and 17 and October 8 and 22. Chef Jim is already talking about recipes for next year and has encouraged the youth participants to eat half their plate in fruit and vegetables and to try the food they grow in ways they may have never before. To learn more about the project please visit:

Upcoming Events

September 02 – Franklin County Extension Team Retreat (our office will be closed on this day)

September 08 – CARTEENS Class

September 09 – Training for Potential 4-H Volunteers

September 10-November 12 (Every Thursday for 10 weeks) – 2015 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series (also includes Sunday, September 27)

September 11-13 – Franklin County Master Gardener Booth at the Dispatch Fall Home and Garden Show (Ohio Expo Center)

September 22-24 – Farm Science Review

September 27 - 2015 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop Series

Franklin County Extension connects with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. We work with families and children, farmers and business owners, community leaders and elected officials to build better lives, better businesses and better communities to make Ohio great.

How may we help you? Please contact our office.

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Copyright © 2015 The Ohio State University Extension Franklin County, All rights reserved.

CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information:

Our mailing address is:

The Ohio State University Extension Franklin County

2105 South Hamilton Road, Suite 100

Columbus, OH 43232