We'd like to congratulate Sue Hogan, 4-H Educator, for winning the National Excellence in Urban 4-H Programming award. The award is presented by National Association of Extension 4-H Agents. Sue was awarded the honor for her work with In the Garden 4-H SPIN Club. The club is designed to engage urban youth in experiential gardening experiences over the summer, as well as helping them to become a part of positive youth development. First generation 4-H youth can become engaged in the program regardless of barriers that might prevent them from doing so. This is achieved by conducting the program at afterschool sites were youth are in the care of another organization over the summer. The host facility manages site logistics and organizes the groups, while trained Master Gardener Volunteers present the curriculum. The program would not be possible without these dedicated volunteers. In 2019 there were five clubs in Franklin county engaging roughly 100 youth in 4-H and gardening. The overall program began in 2016 and is facilitated by the 4-H Educator. An eight-week, one hour-a-week curriculum drafted by the 4-H educator is used at all sites. You may learn more about Franklin County 4-H here.