April 9, 2018 - 10:01am -- salyers.50@osu.edu

Our spring email wellness challenge is here, and the theme this time around is “Super Powers for a Super You!” Reset your lifestyle this spring with a renewed commitment to health. This challenge will guide you through making small but vital changes in your life to find a super you! Twice a week, from April 9 – May 21, enrolled participants will receive email messages filled with encouragement and strategies to create and sustain a healthy lifestyle. Participation is free - all you need is an email account! 

Ready to  discover your super powers this spring? Visit  http://go.osu.edu/FranklinSp18 to sign up for the email wellness challenge. For more information, contact one of our Family and Consumer Sciences Educators: Marilyn Rabe at rabe.9@osu.edu or 614-866-6900 x215, or Jenny Lobb atlobb.3@osu.edu or 614-866-6900 x230.