Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
Parking Information
2201 Fred Taylor Dr., Columbus, OH 43210
- Parking is available at the 4-H Center and across Fred Taylor Drive in the Bill Davis Stadium Lot.
- The 4-H Center lot has 57 available parking spaces and 3 handicap spaces.
- Please make sure you completely understand OSU parking restrictions and availability including other events that may be scheduled in the facility and at nearby venues.
- Park only on pavement and in designated spaces. No parking on grass, gravel road or in gated area of arboretum grounds.
- One way only entry at the north driveway and one way exit by use of the south exit.
- Please use the east circular drive for drop off and pick up only. No parking on this drive.
- The Ohio 4-H Parking permit will be shared prior to events. The permit is needed 4-H Center lot or in the Bill Davis Stadium lot.