Club Corner

Want to know what our Franklin County 4-H Community Clubs are up to? The Club Corner is a place where club news reporters and advisors can share 4-H club happenings. 

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Grove City Clover Crew
Submitted by News Reporter: Desiree T.


Grove City Clover Crew’s last meeting on February 8 was a success! We as a club hand made 141 Valentine’s Day cards for a senior living facility. Which are soon to be hand-delivered!



Grove City Clover Crew
Submitted by News Reporter: Desiree T.

Grove City Clover Crew at Hertiage Days

The month of October The Grove City Clover Crew kept busy! Early in the month 8 of our members helped promote 4-H and their animals at Grove City’s, Old Time Harvest Day. Two weeks later we were back at it again, we elected our 2024 officers and picked up trash for our adopt-a-park!



Clever Clovers
Submitted by News Reporter: Charlotte T.

Clever Clovers

For this year's Walk and Serve, the Clever Clovers 4-H Club made birthday bags for members of our community. Members helped participants through the process of making 100 bags. Inside the bag was a baking pan, the ingredients to easily make a cake, a can of frosting, candles, birthday-themed plates and napkins, and a card. These were donated to the Hilliard Food Pantry, and are being distributed to the members of the Hilliard community.



Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Serendipity Community Service

The Serendipity 4-H Club assembled 100 Snack Packs for the Ronald McDonald House during our April meeting. We delivered them on April 30 and took a tour of the Ronald McDonald House.


4-H Explorers
Submitted by News Reporter: Sophia F.

4-H Explorer Members

On March 10th, the 4-H Explorers went out canvassing in the local area. They went out looking for sponsors and donations for the Walk-&-Serve 5k race that is coming up. Great job everyone for your participation!


Grove City Clover Crew
Submitted by News Reporter: Levi B.

GCCC Club Photo

The Grove City Clover Crew met on August 7th to recognize the accomplishments of our club members at The Franklin County Fair. This included many successful projects, including many members who were selected to represent our club and our county at The Ohio State Fair! Congratulations Grove City Clover Crew on a wonderful 4-H year!


Change the World 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Cami B.

On June 20th, 2022 our 4-H club learned about bike safety from officer Diaz. He is a Grandview Heights Police Officer. We learned that it is illegal to not wear a helmet while riding a bike. It is also illegal to ride on the sidewalk in Grandview Heights.




Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Club Demonstrations

The Serendipity 4-H Club met on May 19. Fair Enrollment was discussed. Demonstrations were given by Caroline Tarr on how to make tortillas and Meredith Tarr on how to make granola. The Serendipity 4-H Club will meet again on June 2.


Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Community Service

The Serendipity 4-H Club met on May 5. Members assembled 56 Snack Packs for the Ronald McDonald House. Demonstrations were given by Mia Opperman on eating all the food groups, Jessica Cline on how coloring reduces stress, and Autumn Bernava on photography. Mr. Shell and the Cloverbuds gave a report on different water experiments they completed.


Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Serendipity Cloverbuds

The Serendipity 4-H Club met on April 21. Members voted on their booth theme for the fair and discussed ideas for Family Day. A demonstration was given by Riley Crippen. The Cloverbuds shared what they learned about objects sinking and floating and began working on their LEGO project. Members were asked to continue collecting items for the Hilliard Food Pantry and packs of gum or mints for the Ronald McDonald House.


Clever Clovers 4-H Club
Submitted by Officer: Charlotte T.

Soil Meeting

At the April meeting of the Clever Clovers 4-H Club, Amy Tressler from the Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District spoke to members about ways our water becomes polluted and how we can make changes at home to prevent water pollution.



Change the World 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Cami B.

Change the World Club Meeting

On March 21, 2022, the Change the World 4-H club made snack and breakfast bags for the Ronald McDonald House. The bags included granola bars, trail mix, Goldfish, chips, applesauce, Rice Krispie treats, and a bottle of water. The club made 100 bags and delivered them to the Ronald McDonald house.



Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Serendipity Club Presentation

The Serendipity 4-H Club met on April 7 at 7 pm at Scioto Ridge Church. The meeting was called to order by President Caleb Bennett. Allison and Xander led the Club Project - Medicine, Science, and Safety. Recreation was led by Ewan Kountz. Our advisor and officers installed new members. Our community service project was club members putting together care bags for children for Christmas. The Safety Report was given by Felix Alonso on online safety, the Environmental Report was given by Nora Siegel on composting, and the Health report was given by James Anderson about proper hydration. Demonstrations were given by Jimmy on fishing, James on archery, Libby on dairy products, Nora on scrapbooking, Mark on gun safety, and Jillian on thrift store shopping. The Cloverbuds shared what they learned about water. Archery project members met with Mr. Shell after the meeting. The next Serendipity 4-H meeting will be held on April 21 at 7pm.


Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Serendipity Meeting

The Serendipity 4-H Club met on March 3 at Scioto Ridge Church. President Caleb Bennett called the meeting to order. Xander Warner led the club project- Medicine, Science, and Safety. Recreation was led by Libby Swank. The installation of officers and new members was led by our advisor. Our club’s community service project was making dog and cat toys for Pets Without Parents. Safety Report was given by Cole Bennett on bike safety, Environmental Report was given by Jimmy Patti on Natural Invasive Species, and the Health Report was given by Pierce Kountz on staying healthy in the cold. Demonstrations were given by Elizabeth Board on how to make granola and Felix Alonso on making a woodworking project for his gaming device. The Cloverbuds gave a report on Reduce, Reuse, and Recycling. Archery project members met with Mr. Shell after the meeting. The next meeting will take place on April 7 at 7 pm.


4-H Explorers 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Kaelynn M.

4-H Explorers

 The 4-H Explorers met in February and we learned about Parliamentary Procedure. As you can see from the photo some have already started their projects.



Change the World 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Cami B.

Change the World

The Change the World 4-H club had a food drive. We picked up food from various locations. Our club donated the food to the Heart to heart food pantry in Grandview, Ohio. We collected 616lbs of food.



Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Serendipity Meeting

On February 10, the Serendipity 4-H club held a meeting at Scioto Ridge Church. Officers were elected. The President is Caleb Bennett, Vice President is Jillian Cline, Secretary/News Reporter is Elizabeth Board, Treasurer is Jessica Cline, Health Reporters are Pierce Kountz, James Anderson, and Riley Crippen, Safety Reporters are Cole Bennett and Felix Alonso, Environmental leaders are Nora Siegel and Jimmy Patty, Mentor is Xander Warner, Recreation leaders are Libby Swank and Ewan Kountz, and Historians are Meredith Tarr, Caroline Tarr, Autumn Bernava, and Mia Opperman. Club members made Valentine’s Day cards for a local nursing home. Demonstrations were given by Xander Warner on how to do a demonstration, Caleb Bennett on woodworking, Cole Bennett on woodworking, and Nathan Shell on archery basics. The Cloverbuds shared learning about ways you are special. Archery project members met with Mr. Shell after the meeting. The next Serendipity meeting will be on March 3.


Whetstone 4-H Club
Submitted by Officer: Justin H.


For our last Whetstone 4-H'ers get-together before fair, we held a late afternoon potluck at the Franklin County fairgrounds. We had project demonstrations from Acadia (Creative Costumes) and Kyra (Archery, Clothing For Your Career, Grow Your Own Vegetables, and Vet Science 2, Level 3). Only 2 weeks until fair!


Whetstone 4-H Club
Submitted by Officer: Justin H.

Whetstone 4-H Meeting

On June 23rd, we held our first in-person meeting in over at year, outside at the Franklin County fairgrounds. In addition our regular reports, our safety officer Uma presented an officer’s report on fireworks safety. We had an amazing presentation and demonstration by Heather Ferguson and Alan Grossman and their amazing search and rescue dogs from the Kentucky Search Dog Association. Our club asked them tons of questions! Several club members shared project reports, including Holden (The Writer in You), Kevin (My Favorite Things), Lauren (Beginning Horse Management), Kyra (Club Leadership 2), and Kate (Insect Adventures 2 and Self-Determined Reptiles and Amphibians). Our July meeting will be a potluck picnic at the fairgrounds. We are SO excited for the fair!


Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Serendipity Club Meeting Community Service

On June 17, at Scioto Ridge Church, the Serendipity 4-H Club held a meeting. The meeting was called to order by President Dustin Simpkins. Our advisor, Allison shared about the 4-H International Exchange Program from our club project, 4-H Around the World. The International Exchange began in 1971 and is in many countries today. 4-H members around the world have the opportunity to come and live in a different country for a short period of time through 4-H! Eight club members attended 4-H camp as campers or counselors, and they shared about their fun experiences. Cole Bennett gave a Safety Report about Bee Stings, and Pierce Kountz gave a Health Report about Food Safety. The Serendipity 4-H Club donated 272 pounds of personal hygiene products to the Hilliard Food Pantry. Club t-shirts were also passed out. Demonstrations were given by Pierce Kountz on dogs, James Anderson about knots, and Elizabeth Board about Scrapbooking. The Cloverbuds learned about space food and different sounds of birds. They also worked on their Lego project. The Serendipity 4-H Club will hold its next meeting July 8, where members will participate in trial judging.


Whetstone 4-H Club
Submitted by Officer: Justin H.

Whetstone Meeting

During our May virtual meeting, our Recreation officer Holden started off with a "Chat Blast" game. Our Safety officer Uma informed us of the newest COVID-19 updates from the CDC and about the Ohio Vax-A-Million lottery, our Health officer Lily talked about the importance of taking breaks for mental health, and our Historian/News reporter Justin showed the club where to find the Franklin County 4-H “Club Corner”. Our Environmental officer Shirin shared a presentation about Global warming (see photo) in which she shared ways that we all can help. Our President Kyra gave a project presentation on one of her projects "Makeover my Space". We'll have two meetings in June, the second of which will be in-person!


Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

4-H Club Meeting

The Serendipity 4-H Club held its meeting May 20, 2021 at Scioto Ridge Church. Vice-President Caleb Bennett led the meeting. Our club learned about Nicaragua in the 4-H Around the World club project. Felix Alonso gave a Safety Report about safety in the sun, and Nathan Shell gave an Environmental Report on insects. Members discussed enrollment for the Franklin County Fair and club t-shirts. Demonstrations were given by Sarah Crockett on chickens, Laila Homberger about rabbits, and finally, Libby Swank gave 2 demonstrations about dogs and how to make a fruit smoothie. The next meeting will take place June 3 at 7:00.


Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Serendipity Cloverbuds

The Serendipity 4-H Club held a meeting in-person on May 9, 2021. Club members learned about our project, 4-H Around the World. Felix Alonso led a Safety Report on pool safety, Riley Crippen gave an Environmental Report about composting, and a Health report was by Pierce Kountz on Hydration. Demonstrations were given by Xander Warner on leadership, Josephine Marihugh about babysitting, Kennedy Warner talked about Sports and Nutrition, and Mia Opperman gave a demonstration about American Sign Language History. The Cloverbuds had a lesson on Mars and made soda pop rockets. The Serendipity 4-H club will hold its next meeting May 20, 2021.


Whetstone 4-H Club
Submitted by Officer: Justin H.


During our April Whetstone 4-H'ers meeting, we had a guest speaker from The Ohio State University. Professor Sharon Amacher gave a presentation on genetics and gave us a virtual tour of an OSU Zebrafish facility. Our members asked lots of questions during and after the presentation.


Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.


The Serendipity 4-H Club held its Zoom meeting on April 15, 2021. President Dustin Simpkins called the meeting to order. Members are working on a club project, 4-H Around the World. The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports were both approved. Cole Bennett gave a Safety Report on Campfire Safety. Nathan Shell gave an Environmental Report about Deforestation. For our Community Service Project, club members should continue to collect personal care items for the Hilliard Food Pantry. Demonstrations were given by Nora Siegal on making trail mix, Hawkins Marihugh on fishing, and finally, Riley Crippen presenting 4-H Around the World. The Cloverbuds learned about how rainbows are formed during their meeting. The Serendipity 4-H Club’s next meeting will be held on May 6, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.


Change the World 4-H Club
Submitted by Officer: Charlotte

Change the World Mask Donation

Hello! I am Charlotte, the vice president of the Change the World 4-H Club. These masks have been cut out, ironed, and sewn from start to finish by club members. They were donated to Columbus City elementary schools because a comfortable mask means the world right now. They are washable and can be worn many times. A few have openings in the bottom to make room for inserting a filter or extra fabric.


Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

Serendipity Club Community Service

The Serendipity 4-H Club met for a meeting on March 4 on Zoom. The meeting was called to order by President Dustin Simpkins. New members were introduced to the club. For our community service project, we braided dog chew toys out of fleece for Pets Without Parents. A Safety Report was given by Felix Alonso and an Environmental Report from Nathan Shell. Under Old Business we discussed enrollment, the Winter Fair, and Officer Training. Then, under New Business we talked about future community service projects, such as the Hilliard Food Pantry and cutting out stars on American flags for the V.F.W. Demonstrations were given by Jillian Cline, Elizabeth Board, Meredith Tarr, and Felix Alonso. Lastly, Dustin Simpkins led Recreation. The next meeting for The Serendipity 4-H Club will be on April 1.


Whetstone 4-H Club
Submitted by Officer: Justin H.

Whetstone Community Service Project

Whetstone 4-H'ers Club update: In collaboration with our Walk and Serve community partner, the Clintonville Resource Center, our club members made homemade ornaments and cards for assisted living residents and fleece hats and personal care kits for the homeless for our winter service project. We also participated in the 4-H STEM challenge "Mars Base Camp" during our November 2020 and February 2021 meetings. We were guided by members of the OSU Association of Computing Machinery Women's Chapter, who are also doing some great K-12 computer science community outreach sessions.



Change the World 4-H Club
Submitted by Officer: Margaret Y.

Community Service

For their February community service project, the Change the World 4-H Club packed 43 lunches for the homeless through the Seeds of Caring youth charity organization. The club members decorated brown paper bags and collected lunch packing supplies. The lunches included a PB&J, bottled water, fruit, something salty, and something sweet. In the pictures club treasurer Olivia Berkemer, Cloverbud Cami Berkemer, club secretary Maura Yates and community service officer Margaret Yates are assembling lunches. In March, the club is working together to make at least 50 children's masks to be donated.



Serendipity 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Elizabeth B.

(The picture above is when we completed our service project for the Hilliard Food pantry in October.)
On January 7th, the Serendipity 4-H Club held its first meeting of 2021. Our club elected officers for this year: President- Dustin Simpkins, Vice President- Caleb Bennett, Secretary/Treasurer- Jillian Cline, Health- Pierce Kountz, Safety- Cole Bennett and Felix Alonso Environmental- Riley Crippen and Nathan Shell, News Reporter- Elizabeth Board, Historian- Mia Opperman, Caroline Tarr, and Meredith Tarr. We also discussed Community Service Projects that we will be doing this year. Lastly, we ended our meeting with a fun game of Family Feud. Serendipity's Club will meet again on February 4th, at 7:00 p.m.



Grove City Clover Crew 4-H Club
Submitted by News Reporter: Peyton Z.

club photo






The Grove City Clover Crew 4-H Club is off to a great start for the 2021 year. We started by electing our club officers on October 8th of 2020. The newly elected officers will be posted and installed at the next regular club meeting in January. We are looking forward to an exciting year and being able to overcome the challenges that continue with the current pandemic situation!
For more information about the Grove City Clover Crew, visit the Join a Club page: