Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop series

The Ohio Master Urban Farmer program was developed by OSU Extension in Franklin County in 2014. The program is a 12 week course designed to give participants the knowledge and skills needed to produce and market food in an urban environment. The program is now being offered in other cities in Ohio.

Email hogan.1@osu.edu to be added to the email list to be notified of the next session. 

On-Site Production Sales - Legislation Fact Sheet and Draft Code

Ongoing Resources: New USDA Toolkit for Urban Agriculture

Urban agriculture is growing in the farm to school movement! This new toolkit from the USDA is an electronic document that helps urban and small farms navigate more than 70 helpful resources, including technical assistance and financing opportunities. It focuses on some of the most pressing challenges confronting urban producers such as land access, soil quality, water resources, capital and financing, infrastructure, market development, production strategies, and applying for federal, state or private foundation grants. Click here to access the toolkit.