The goal of the Senior Series Program is to encourage health and vitality in adults age 60 and older within Franklin County. Ohio State University Extension offers educational information to improve their mental and physical health, encourage an independent lifestyle and provide maximum opportunities to enjoy and contribute to life within their home community.
We offer programs, to support this goal, at a site and time convenient for you.
Focus on issues affecting Older Adults
Our programs focus on issues that affect seniors. New topics are added regularly and new ideas are always welcome. Topic areas include food safety, diseases, physical and mental well-being, safety, and nutrition. There is something for everyone. Our programs last between 30 and 60 minutes with time for questions and answers.
Senior Series Programs
We offer the following topics with new ones added regularly. Topics focus on issues affecting senior citizens and may focus on seasonal issues throughout the year.
Services for Seniors:
- Cooking for 1 or 2
- Eye Health and Vision Loss
- Fall Prevention
- Food Safety
- Fraud Prevention
- Healthy Eating
- Heart Health
- How to Talk to Your Doctor
- Hydration
- Living with Arthritis
- Living with Diabetes
- Memory Loss
- Safe Use and Storage of Medication
- Dealing with Stress and Depression
- When Good People Disagree
- Are You Ready for Winter? Winter Weather Preparedness
Click here to view our Senior Series brochure. Additional questions? Contact Loretta Sweeney at or 614-292-8338.
Additional Resources
There are also five Aging Smart modules available through the OSU College of Medicine, Office of Geriatrics and Interprofessional Aging Studies.
The modules iclude:
- Aging and Eating
- Cooking for One or Two
- Universal Design
- Personal Safety
- Preventing Falls in Your Home
Click here to access the modules.