Franklin County Master Gardener Speakers Bureau
- Annuals
- Backyard water feature - build your own
- Becoming a Master Gardener
- Beginning vegetable gardening
- Cold frame construction
- Composting
- Container gardening - (container/small space)
- Container vegetable gardening
- Eliminating backyard pests
- Flower arranging
- Gardening with Earth-Kind landscaping techniques
- Herb gardens
- Landscape design
- Lawn care
- Native plants
- Organic vegetable gardening
- Perennials
- Ponds & water gardens
- Preparing the garden for winter
- Rain barrels
- Rain gardens
- Raised beds
- Roses
- Shade gardening
- Small space vegetable gardening
- Starting vegetable plants from seed
- Vegetable gardening
- Vermicomposting
- Victory gardens for the 21st century/sustainability
Specific Titles
- Bag Lady Speech - Economical Recycling for Gardeners
- Hertitage Garden at the Governors Mansion
To schedule a speaker, please contact: Mike Hogan -